Alaska Dreams Travel Far
Alaskan Villagers Prepare for Trip of A Lifetime
A school teacher in the Alaskan Bush encourages her k-12 students to dream BIG; planning a field trip to the lower 48. A film crew from Santa Barbara, California will document the historic journey. Please visit this site for frequent updates on their progress.
A Dream Come True
Club 33 was such a treat
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Alaska Dreams won two Emmy's, one for editing and the other for a TV special focusing on education from NATAS, Pacific South West Chapter. Congratulations Michael Warner, from Pacific Sun Productions
"Alaska Dreams" won two Emmy's, one for editing and the other for a TV special focusing on education from NATAS, Pacific South West Chapter! Congratulations Michael Warner, from Pacif ic Sun Productions! Well deserved! This is an inspirational story of 12 Alaskan students and their teachers from deep in the Alaskan Bush, who leave their native homeland for the first time. The academic field trip to Southern California is an eye opening adventure, and a dream come true for the students, who worked for three years to raise the money needed to make the trip. This trailer was produced by Pacific Sun Productions, and directed by Michael Warner to help raise funds for the feature length documentary following this incredible journey.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Helping Alaska kids succeed is a moral choice, not a political one
Helping Alaska kids succeed is a moral choice, not a political one
The first article I read, by the newspaper's editor, declares that helping these kids is a moral choice, sharing about the huge difficulties for these kids to succeed in life, so a trip like this is so important for their education and self confidence. The editor has seen the deep needs of the native youth and feels that they are worth helping. He says: A trip like the one the Stony River students are trying to embark on could give a little hope after a long winter, a little more knowledge about the world beyond their village. That they matter, too, that this state, and country, needs them to stay alive. (Wow!)
He believes this so strongly that they held a fund raising event in Anchorage last month. Several of the kids (Mary, Nacole, Brittany and Tyrel) were invited to share about their California trip.
The second article that I read (actually written earlier) tells about the trip for which the Stony River school kids are fundraising. It's entitled:
California dreams realized, rural Alaska students seek help to reach Washington, DC
The article tells about their trip to California last May and their efforts to raise money for going to DC. It includes the link to the movie trailer made about the the Gusty Michael School kids by Michael Warner, and tells more about the trip planned to DC. If you haven't seen it yet, do!
Those of us who got to spend time with these kids/teens while they were here so enjoyed them! They are really neat kids!
In fading regions, Stony River among rural schools struggling to survive
The third article tells about how the village communities are struggling to stay alive. When the village school closes,
it greatly impacts the viability of a village. This article includes a wonderful set of photos about the children in their school.
The decision regarding the Stony River school will be made in this next week.
All of the articles include a link to where donations can be given/sent. Only $10,000 remains to be raised!
The trip is to begin at the end of this month, so please, if you are considering giving a gift, do so soon! And Thank you!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Showing of the Alaska Dreams Documentary in Anchorage
Hello, everyone! Michael Warner, producer of Alaska Dreams, and also my husband, is traveling to Anchorage as I write this update. He is in Anchorage to be present for a showing of his documentary Alaska Dreams, to help raise money for the kids upcoming trip to Washington DC in May. Michael, left packed with camera bags, shooting equipment, and lots of letters from pen pals in Santa Barbara. He was very excited to once again step out in faith and allow God to use him and his gifts. Michael Warner is going to go to DC with the group and needs to raise $20,000. The Alaska Dreams documentary has been an incredible tool for letting people know about the original trip and beyond that, the need for Alaska native children, in general to be invited on such trips. It appears that connecting kids there with friends here can result in postive change long term! He can be reached at this email address:
Here is verbedum the letter Debi Rubera wrote Michael recently:
My dear, Mr Warner:
I cannot begin to tell you the impact your documentary, Alaska Dreams Travel Far, has had on our project, Alaska Dreams, and the lives it has impacted. Your film has become the corner stone of the current fundraising effort for the students at Gusty Michael School and the fundraising efforts for three schools’ travel the following year. Students who have never been exposed to city life stand little chance of making the adjustment when it comes to college, little chance of finding out what opportunities await one will-ing to try hard and venture beyond the restrictions of isolated village boundaries, little chance of hoping for a better future.
Alaska Dreams Travel Far has allowed funders to visualize where these students come from and the impact travel has on subsistence-level students, as well as some of the challenges that face anyone trying to raise money in a small Native Alaskan village. You and your crew caught the heart and soul of our project and tell the compelling story that helps those with funds understand the urgent need and incredible results.If it were not for this film, I would have stood no chance of getting my students out into the cities for a second year in a row. This critical need came as our student population dwindled below state mandated levels so that our school is in danger of closing next year. My letters for support were falling on deaf ears until I was able to get Alaska Dreams into funders’ hands. Now, our plight is being passed from one potential donor to another. Alaska Dreams continues to make dreams come true for students outside of the mainstream.
Very gratefully,
Debi Rubera
Here is verbedum the letter Debi Rubera wrote Michael recently:
My dear, Mr Warner:
I cannot begin to tell you the impact your documentary, Alaska Dreams Travel Far, has had on our project, Alaska Dreams, and the lives it has impacted. Your film has become the corner stone of the current fundraising effort for the students at Gusty Michael School and the fundraising efforts for three schools’ travel the following year. Students who have never been exposed to city life stand little chance of making the adjustment when it comes to college, little chance of finding out what opportunities await one will-ing to try hard and venture beyond the restrictions of isolated village boundaries, little chance of hoping for a better future.
Alaska Dreams Travel Far has allowed funders to visualize where these students come from and the impact travel has on subsistence-level students, as well as some of the challenges that face anyone trying to raise money in a small Native Alaskan village. You and your crew caught the heart and soul of our project and tell the compelling story that helps those with funds understand the urgent need and incredible results.If it were not for this film, I would have stood no chance of getting my students out into the cities for a second year in a row. This critical need came as our student population dwindled below state mandated levels so that our school is in danger of closing next year. My letters for support were falling on deaf ears until I was able to get Alaska Dreams into funders’ hands. Now, our plight is being passed from one potential donor to another. Alaska Dreams continues to make dreams come true for students outside of the mainstream.
Very gratefully,
Debi Rubera
Here is a link to the most recent story about the kids and the screening of Alaska Dreams from Alaska
Here is a link to the most recent story about the kids and the screening from Alaska Dispatch. Helping Alaska kids succeed is a moral choice, not a political one. The author of the articles about the Stony River kids shares in page two of this article that he's gotten unhappy comments from people from his first article. He says, "Many have generously donated and have been supporting the effort. For that, thanks so much. However, it seems whenever we’ve tried to promote this particular effort, the comment boards light up with negativity. “Why should we pay for these kids to go on a field trip? Why are they so special?” is the general tone of some. And another: “Why don’t Alaska Native corporations pay for them?” And yet another: “What are the Natives going to do for me?”Reading these comments has been one of the more eye-opening experiences I’ve had since launching Alaska Dispatch. The director (Michael Warner from Pacific Sun Productions) who chronicled the Stony River field trip last year to South California says we should talk about the high rates of teen suicide in rural Alaska and how field trips expose kids who don’t always see a lot of hope in their own communities to a larger world – that there are opportunities beyond the villages.I think he is right. The author then goes on to tell of his own experience with Alaska native teens and suicide. I want you to know that this is my concern too. I realize this is a heavy topic, so I have steered away from it until now, but I am glad he brought this up because you need to know that it is something that is a deep concern for many adults in Alaska, both white and native, because of the high rates of native teen and young adult suicide in Alaska. I believe that helping kids succeed in this way will make an incredible life long positive change for them because Debi has modeled how to work to make dreams come true against all odds and because our help tells the children: "We think you are valuable! We care about you! We're cheering for you. " These trips are for more than 'fun' or even 'educational.'It's a life line, don't you see?!
Friday, May 20, 2011
A First Class Farewell
So the kids gathered around Jenna and me. We embraced in a group hug, exchanged a few thoughts and high-fives, I gave Robert some last minute advice to take with him to college, and we went our separate ways.
In the days since then, my thoughts about Stony River, the trip, the kids, the village, and the film have been maturing in my mind. I know that many are anxious to see the images on film; to see the adventure unfold on screen. I too am excited about the story of courage and encouragement, commitment and hard work, amazement and education, fun and opportunity, and the difference that each of us can make in the lives of others if we listen to the calling.
I am certain that it will take some time before I am satisfied with the telling if this story before it is ready to be viewed on film. But in the meantime, I will try to forward more bits and pieces like the link below to a wonderful story from the Santa Barbara Independent:
There are two more newspaper stories, a TV news story, a radio interview and more photos to come so please check back every so often. It seems like once a week is the blog update schedule for now.
I do want to thank Cox Communications, Alaska Airlines, and Planet Solar again for making it possible for the film crew to get this far on the journey. In the coming weeks expect to hear more about sponsorship opportunities within the television half hour.
I also want to thank Debi Rubera, Brian Volk, Mary Macar, the kids from Stony River and all their parents for trusting us enough to allow us in to follow and document the trip. I know I can speak for Mike Braniger, Branden Aroyen, Paul Mathieu, and many others involved, who feel privileged to have spent time getting to know all of you.
Lastly I want to thank Santa Barbara, the home-school families who welcomed and provided for this group throughout their long journey, the businesses and individuals who went out of their way to show these kids a good time, the media who covered the trip and made the group feel "famous" while they were here.
Thanks to all of you, and please keep up your support for this blog and this project. I feel more strongly now than ever before that this story is INSPIRATION! Just Imagine what could come next...
Friday, May 13, 2011
Rolling Hills to Rollercoasters

Families and businesses in Santa Barbara have continued to pour out the support, hosting lunches and dinners, providing gifts, tours and educational opportunities. Even the local media has gotten into the action with front page newspaper coverage, radio interviews, and TV broadcasts.
The trip has now shifted to the Los Angeles area for Magic Mountain, the Long Beach Aquarium, and Disneyland! You see dreams really do come true!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Arrival in Santa Barbara pt.2

The blessings continued as all of us and our belongings arrived safely in Los Angeles at approximately 3:00pm. By the time we rounded up our luggage and transportation it was closer to 4:30 and rush hour traffic loomed ahead on the 405.
Somehow the traffic waited long enough for the convoy to make it to Pacific Coast Highway and wind our way along the coast to Carpinteria, where a huge group of pen pals and well wishers welcomed the group with a pot luck feast. The outpouring of love and support from the Santa Barbara community has been a constant the entire time here.
I imagine the kids were a bit overwhelmed at first, but the setting sun and warm waves of the Pacific Ocean invited them to play and relax. Shortly after their arrival at the beach a group of dolphins appeared in the surf to encourage the kids into the waves.
An out of town tourist from New Mexico was so moved by group of families and kids playing in the water that she inquired how she could help. She wound up purchasing some beaded jewelry from one of the girls, and making a substantial donation toward whatever opportunity the trip might afford in the near future.
And so it has gone for the last week here in Santa Barbara. The kids have done more activities, and been more places, and seen more things than I can describe here at this time. But I continue to be amazed at how the story of these kids, and this teacher, and this community have come together to make this a "dream trip come true."
It is amazing the impact that each of us can have on those around us, when we follow our heart and do what we can do to help others.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Departure to Santa Barbara pt.1

On April 30th the village was alive well into the morning hours with preparations for Robert's graduation. I was struck by how the kids, and the villagers, bonded together to make this a very special event for Robert and his family. Extended family, previous teachers, and school district officials flew in by Bush plane to congratulate the school's single graduating senior. There was a pot luck feast honoring Robert Kevin Gusty Jr., the eldest of six siblings, and the first in his family to be attending college in Anchorage next year.
The lights had barely been turned out after graduation before preparations to leave the island moved into full swing. Rounding up the suitcases and backpacks, packing, preparing, saying goodbyes, and taking last words of advice and encouragement.
For the film crew our goodbyes were bitter sweet. We knew that we would be reunited with Debi, Brian, Mary, and the students a day later in Anchorage. We were happy that soon we would have the opportunity to share our homes and families with all of them. We were touched by the gracious invitations from several villagers to return someday soon to Stony River. We were somehow changed by the quiet isolation and relative simplicity that our lives had become while in the village.
Our flight to Anchorage on the evening of May 2nd was spectacular. Golden light from the setting sun followed us through the Kuskokwim River valley, over the majestic peaks and craters of the Alaskan Range, across the vast Alaskan tundra, and into the seemingly chaotic streets of Anchorage. Soon after landing I remember looking at, and listening to the cars whizzing by on 5th Street, and wondering how I ever became so accustomed to the commotion of city life in the first place? Later that evening the crew wondered what LA would feel like to our new friends from Stony? None of us imagined that it would feel so different to us also.
The trip from Anchorage to Los Angeles was an adventure in and of itself. The group of 15 from Stony River shopped for last minute supplies until 1am, and then spent the wee hours trying to sleep in the airport waiting to board the plane. Our stop over in Seattle was marked by curious looks of wonder as the kids rode the airport train between concourses, carefully stepped on and off the escalators and moving sidewalks, and looked every which way at the busy world around them. Some remarked on the view of Seattle from the air; we told them to pay close attention to the size of Los Angeles when we land there, a sight that amazes me every time I fly into the city.
We expected a certain amount of culture shock to hit the kids at LAX and on the freeways as we traveled to Santa Barbara. I did not expect to look down from the window of the plane at the cacophony of homes, and buildings, freeways, and roadways, cars, and more cars, and to feel somehow sickened by the sight.
How has life come to this point? Is more really better? What have we lost by being so busy building and growing and expanding and tearing down and building again? I felt myself struggling to hold on to the sensations of self reliance, quiet, isolation, and solitude that a village 250 miles from the nearest roads had given me.
My cautious self reflection gave way to an unbridled sense of belonging as we turned up PCH to take the coastal route home. The sun was low on the horizon, the waves were clean and glassy, the air was warm and smelled of salt, we were home at last and it felt quite good to be here.
To be continued...
Friday, April 29, 2011
Gusty Michael School Prepares For Graduation

Thanks for following.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Our Arrival In Stony River Alaska

Debi Rubera and two of her students met us in a quad atv with a trailer attached, to cart the three of us, and all of our gear and belongings a few hundred yards to Gusty Michael School in the center of town.
Not certain if we should film or not, we carried our cameras into the school. Branden discovered two students working to make traditional knives called Ulaqs. I was surprised to find the younger children practicing their reading skills behind two desktop computers. A few of the older girls were working on laptops given to the school by apple. They politely told me that they were learning to use imovie (I loved that... an instant connection based on a common technology).
I was struck by the thought that these kids, and this school, were like many others that I have visited across the US. But this location was like no place that I had ever been. So remote, so quiet, so peaceful, so beautiful already in so many ways. Brandon was immediately invited after school to a villager's homesite to film his family as they milled the lumber and worked on their new house.
What a day! What an opportunity! Thank you to all who are supporting this trip and these kids!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Alaska Dreams Travel Far

Actually it began for me about three weeks ago when an email solicitation for funds found its way into my inbox. After reading about Debi Rubera, a school teacher in the Alaskan interior who encouraged her k-12 students to dream big and set their sights on a field trip to the lower 48, I thought to myself "HOW CAN ANYONE NOT HELP THESE KIDS?"
My initial thought was to send funds, but then I too started to dream bigger. I imagined myself growing up in a small remote village, on an island in the middle of the wilderness, with limited access to resources, and even less opportunity to break out of the isolated life that I was accustomed to. I thought about the courage it must take to dream big under these circumstances. I felt inspired by the story of these children, and reminded that the process of making dreams come true is the same whether you come from an island in the wilderness, inner city, or suburbs.
Realizing a dream come true involves first believing that it can come true. Then comes hard work and perseverance, overcoming adversity, more hard work, and often a helping hand or two.
It turns out that my way to help is to produce a film about Stony River Alaska and the transformation that is happening there RIGHT NOW as these Alaskan villagers prepare to send their children on the "trip of a lifetime." I am hopeful that this will become "Opportunity For a Lifetime" for these kids and others that they touch with their incredible story.
Special thanks go out today to Cox Communications, Alaska Airlines, and Planet Solar who have sponsored the film and enabled me and my dedicated film crew to travel to Anchorage today, and on to Stony River Alaska tomorrow.
My initial thought was to send funds, but then I too started to dream bigger. I imagined myself growing up in a small remote village, on an island in the middle of the wilderness, with limited access to resources, and even less opportunity to break out of the isolated life that I was accustomed to. I thought about the courage it must take to dream big under these circumstances. I felt inspired by the story of these children, and reminded that the process of making dreams come true is the same whether you come from an island in the wilderness, inner city, or suburbs.
Realizing a dream come true involves first believing that it can come true. Then comes hard work and perseverance, overcoming adversity, more hard work, and often a helping hand or two.
It turns out that my way to help is to produce a film about Stony River Alaska and the transformation that is happening there RIGHT NOW as these Alaskan villagers prepare to send their children on the "trip of a lifetime." I am hopeful that this will become "Opportunity For a Lifetime" for these kids and others that they touch with their incredible story.
Special thanks go out today to Cox Communications, Alaska Airlines, and Planet Solar who have sponsored the film and enabled me and my dedicated film crew to travel to Anchorage today, and on to Stony River Alaska tomorrow.
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